Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Just Love Me coz U want to...


Warning : Posting kali ini bakal sangat emosional...so insprired by d book dat I read several hours ago...

Well..well, actually I dont want this blog become a place to only complain about my feeling. Ah, but unfortunetely, it looks so difficult now, I just must write what I feel inside to prevent it will caused big explosion if I just keep it all inside. N actually now datz wad I feel d most...

Pernah ngerasain sayang yg gede bgdt sm seseorang? (Yg bukan kelurga y?). A
ku pernah dan masih. But now It seems so hard..Abis baca buku Test Pack by Ninit Yunita yg aku beli coz baca blog dy yg asik bgdt. Bukunya ttg cerita suami istri yang udah nikah 7 tahun, tp blom dikarunia anak. Selidik punya selidik, ternyata si suami infertile (u know kn y?). Saat itu si istri ninggalin suaminya karena kecewa kalo anak yg selama ini diidam2kan g bakal ada di rumah mereka. Coz si suami actually NOT AS SAME AS anymore with she HOPEs! Walo endingnya bahagia. Uhm, udah lama g baca metropop gini (coz I though dat I have been 21st!!), tapi baca buku ini, so many thins I learn about.

Yah, aku emang belom nikah. Tapi apa yg diceritain disana seems so real. Coz several parts of this story remind me to me n him. Betapa seringnya sekarang kami saling menyakiti, aku menyakiti dia, dia menyakiti aku. We keep on figthing over and over again. Kenapa jadi begini? Apa karena komitmen kami masih terlalu lemah? Apa karena kami cuma sayang karena what/who/how about each other? Then, how if it disappear? Will we still love each other? Atw memilih menyerah seperti si Istri di buku itu? Lupa saat2 indah yg juga pernah dilalui bersama. Lupa dulu kita sendiri yang saling memilih?

...I know i misbehaved
And you made your mistakes
And we both still got room left to grow
And though love sometimes hurts
I still put you first
And we'll make this thing work
But I think we should take it slow

We're just ordinary people
We don't know which way to go
Cuz we're ordinary people
Maybe we should take it slow (Take it slow oh oh ohh)
This time we'll take it slow (Take it slow oh oh ohh)
This time we'll take it slow...

(ordinary people, john legend)

Mau tw bedanya medis dan psikologis? Dalam medis, setelah badan mati, nyawa tidak merasa sakit lagi. Dlm psikologis, ketika nyawa terluka, dia masih harus hidup dan merasakannya. I know he's hurt, but I'm hurt too. I tell u that this seems easy, but no, it's not! But one thing 4 sure, I dunno wad happen if U're not be by my side always. That's why I dont want u go, even for a while. Understand me hunny?

Do u still remember about the day when we felt in love, hunny?
Just love me because U want to...not because who/what/how I am dat u hope...

PS : I'm serious about wad I said in this morning :)

-Kiky Pamidt-

2 celotehan:

Unknown mengatakan...

luph u selaluuuw.. ndulekcermanbawkuuuw (gendut, jelek, cerewet, manja, bawel) :P

blognya jian mengatakan...

jadi penasaran nih ama buku "test pack" na..
Kalo ky ke palembang.. bawa ye...mu pinjem.. :P

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